How to start with APPIUM PYTHON

What is Appium ?
Appium works like a server, written in Nodejs and implements selenium webdriver . it allows the client (test cases written in any language, Python in our case ) to fire the tests and the target application ( Apps) acts like a web page . Target application sends back the response to node js server which in turn send it back to client.
here is an excellent link which can help you to understand the basic concept of appium in more details
To start working  with appium you dont need an extensive study of it.
Android SDK
You need to install android SDK as it provides many set of tools to help in automation, one such tool is adb, it detect your mobile devices, assign device id to them, which will be referenced by your scripting language for further communication with appium.
Third point is your scripting language i.e. Python You need to define test cases for your test scenarios by using unit test module in python, more information about this module is here
Selenium library is inbulit with appium library , so you need to install your appium library in python
Below link will help you installing appium and running your test cases in python
and you are good to go from here.


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